conference registration

The 31st NBDA Conference welcomes all people of diverse backgrounds —including Deaf, DeafBlind, Hard of Hearing, and hearing people; LBGTQ, educators; professionals; federal employees; veterans; senior citizens; parents; activists; CODAs; students; recent graduates; service providers; interpreters; allies; and all racial ethnicities —to join us from Wednesday, August 13, 2025, through Saturday, August 16, 2025.

Registration is open!

Combo Registration

Opening Welcome
Two Days of Professionlal & Personal Development Workshops 
Entertainment Night 
Conference Banquet & Awards



Early Rate Combo Registration

now to April 30, 2025 


Adult $180 / Senior Citizens & Student $160


Adult $200 / Senior Citizens & Student $180 

Add-On Fees & Individual Events Pricing Registration 

Senior Citizens Luncheon & Awards

$35 Senior Citizen (55+) 

$55 Non-Senior Citizen 



$30 Opening Welcome

$50 One Day Workshop Sessions

$100 Two Days Workshop Sessions

$50 Entertainment Night 

$100 Conference Banquet & Awards



$40 Opening Welcome

$60 One Day Workshop Sessions

$120 Two Days Workshop Sessions 

$60 Entertainment Thursday Night 

$140 Conference Banquet & Awards


There are three different ways to register for the 31th NBDA Conference. Online registration, Mail-In registration, or In-Person registration at the conference.

  • To register online, please click below the link:

    Combo regisration online will end on August 8, 2025. Registering for individual options online will be accepted throughout and during the conference week. Individual option for Conference Banquet & Awards will end on August 8, 2025.

  • To register by mail, please download the Registration Form (pdf) 

    Instructions to complete the form and mailing address are provided in the registration form.

    Note: the deadline to mail-in your registration is postmarked July 11, 2025.

  • Registering in-person is available during the conference week. 

    Combo registration will no longer be offered after August 8, 2025. 

    Individual options registration will be available with only two forms of payments accepted: credit card (online registration) or cash payment. 

Member or Non-Member Rate

The member rate applies to registered conference attendees who are current members of either Regular Membership or Member-at-Large membership. You can sign up for become NBDA member:

If you are not a current member, please register the non-member rate.

Students rate applies to registered conference attendees who are students in the post-secondary education in the following academic terms (Fall 2024 through Summer 2025) and age 18+ years old.

Adult rate applies to the registered conference attendees who are in the age range 18 to 54 years old.

Senior citizens individuals must be 55 years old and up to register the Senior Citizens rate.

Conference attendees who live outside the United States and its territories can register to attend the conference using International registration form.

National Alliance of Black Interpreters (NAOBI) Members

NAOBI Members are eligible for conference registration at the membership rate.

Paperless Eco-Friendly & Whova App

This year’s conference will be mostly paperless eco-friendly. Attendees will receive information to utilize the Whova App on their smartphones to navigate for conference information including schedule, workshop sessions information, presenters pictures and biographies, and so on. On the registration form, you are asked if you request a paper version (i.e. printed program book) or support going mostly paperless (use of the app). If you support going mostly paperless, you will receive an email in June or July 2025 with instructions on downloading the Whova App. 

ADA Accommodation Request

Sign language interpretation and captioning will be provided for most workshops and events unless specified (i.e. some workshops may be ASL only). If you require any other special accessibility services for your participation in the conference, please provide a brief description of your needs in the registration form.

Deadline June 1, 2025. The Conference Planning Committee will make every effort to accommodate your request.

Employee Justification Letter

All employees are able to use the justification letter to complete the information regarding to the conference and then submit the completed letter to the their supervisor to be acknowledged of the conference if employees are sponsored by their organization with the conference fees, travel and lodging. Please download the justification letter provided below.

Employee Justification Letter (doc) 

International Registration & Invitation Letter Request for Visa

Individuals outside the United States are welcome to attend the conference. Please note that all workshop sessions and events will be conducted entirely in American Sign Language and/or English. If you live in a country where travelling to the United States requires visa approval and you request an invitation letter as supporting document.

Please contact with this subject line: Invitation Letter Request. Please include your passport number, your home address with the name of your country, and the name of Embassy/Consulate and address. Please be advised that this letter of invitation does not guarantee the issuance of a visa for you to attend the conference.

Cancellation/Refund Policy 

Refunds will be issued to the registrants based on the date of written documentation that requests for the refund and percentage of conference registration fees:

• 75% until March 31, 2025
• 50% from April 1, 2025 to April 31, 2025
• 25% from May 1, 2025 to June 30, 2025

Refunds will be not be issued after July 1, 2025 except in the event of medical emergencies or a death in the family. Written documentation is required in order to receive the refund.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding to the registration, please contact the registration committee at